Conceived as the mouthpiece of India's freedom movement, Mathrubhumi is one of the front-runners among the Malayalam newspapers. The first copy of Mathrubhumi was published on 18th of March 1923 -- the day before the first anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's arrest for the first time by the British police. Led by K.P.Kesava Menon, the prominent freedom fighter, as Editor and K. MadhavanNair as Managing Director, Mathrubhumi was envisaged for spreading the message of the great National Movement. In the beginning, the paper was published a week and had just one edition from Kozhikode (Calicut). A newspaper born out of relentless passion of freedom fighters, Mathrubhumi went on to become an inalienable part of Kerala's social fabric.
Now with fifteen editions- ten in Kerala , ones in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangaluru, Chennai and Dubai- it has an impressive circulation of over 1.5 million copies. The history of Mathrubhumi is synonymous with the history of the state's freedom movement, and that of Indian National Congress. Before Mathrubhumi came into being, there were four Malayalam News Papers ('Kerala Patrika', 'Kozhikodan Manorama' , 'Kerala Sanchari ' and 'Mithavadi ') and three English News Papers ('Champion', 'West Coast Reformer 'and 'Spectator'), which were being published from Kozhikode. But none of these papers favoured the freedom movement spearheaded by the Congress. Instead, they supported the British Rule.
Mathrubhumi Music, which is a meaningful step into the world of enchanting music is also a very promising business hand. On January 2013 Mathrubhumi launched its first Television Channel, "Mathrubhumi News" , a 24x7 Malayalam News Channel. "Kappa TV" a speciality entertainment channel launched on February 2013 which has received world-wide recognition in that segment.