Serious gap of Information in the age of IT that we do not have single news portal. We do lack to convey our day to day news and current events globally. Initially we had a plan to establish the Darjeeling-based IT and Media Solutions Company dedicated to the development of IT and Media in Darjeeling and the North East Hills, is one of the first venture as a start-up project but we had to abort the idea as we assessed the Darjeeling Market that it is not financially viable for us to sustain in the long run. has not been formerly inaugurated so far, even after its months of operation. Anyway, we assure you, the site will always remain there in the name of Darjeeling hills, for the people of Darjeeling hills... Therefore, please, please do not expect too much from DarjeelingTimes as we are using very very limited resources, your contribution, your suggestions, your involvement will only make this site beautiful and interesting.